Farm, Epperstone

The customer required a large biomass heating system to provide heating for his chicken shed and 3 domestic properties.

The Herz Firematic 300kW boiler was chosen as the peak heating load for the chicken shed and domestic properties required significantly greater than the normal 199kW solution. Wood pellets were chosen as the preferred fuel source to ensure that the system operated as consistently and reliably as possible.

The customer has an existing oil boiler in the main house which we kept in place to use as a back-up for the biomass boiler system.

The boiler was installed into a purpose built boiler room, with a Collinson pellet silo positioned alongside it. The screw fed auger supplying the pellets to the boiler. A single heat exchanger was fitted to the domestic properties with a single heat meter measuring the total heating demand supplied to them. Heat meters were placed between the buffer tank and the boiler, and in the chicken shed to measure the heating demand from the shed.

With an estimated heating demand of 500,000kWh per year, the customer will benefit from £22,326.00 in RHI payments per year for 20 years, plus a significant £15,330.00 saving in the cost of the displaced fuel oil and LPG.

This successful project was completed in three weeks, with a further 3 days work to connect up to the chicken shed. Designs for the boiler, the oil boiler integration and the RHI requirements were submitted by J L Phillips Renewable Energy Ltd.

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