5 Home Improvements To Consider In the New Year

When it comes to home improvements, there are many areas you could work on. With the arrival of 2021, giving your home a facelift could be just the change you need to mentally prep for the New Year.

From upcycling existing elements of your home to adopting green technologies, there are many aspects and technologies you need to consider. Moreover, adding energy-efficient features and products could be your first step towards sustainability in the New Year.

With this in mind, at JL Phillips, we’ve put together a few home improvement ideas you could try out to create a better environment for you and your family. While improving your home, these alterations will also help you live sustainably.

Let’s take a look.

1. Increase Your Home’s Energy-Efficiency

While there are existing building regulations in terms of energy-efficiency which you must comply with, achieving a higher level of efficiency could help your bank balance, as well as the environment. 

For example, installing a ground source heat pump from JL Phillips could help you considerably reduce the cost of energy bills. Whilst being a potentially sound long term investment thanks to the RHI initiative, a ground source heat pump is a green technology that helps you and the environment.

Also, be sure to check out solar thermal panels and biomass boilers. By adding them to your list of home improvements, you can benefit by incorporating sustainability in your lifestyle in the New Year.

2. Upgrade Your Heating System

While looking at different products and features, selecting ones which are green and sustainable is an aspect you should consider for your New Year’s home improvement project. This also includes your domestic heating system. 

Having a domestic ASHP installation can do wonders for your home and your bills. What’s more, while being energy-efficient, an ASHP is also considered as a must-have heating device for every modern household.

An air source heat pump helps you lower costs when compared to traditional systems while also being a better choice for your home and the environment. For quality ASHP installation, contact JL Phillips today.

3. Improve Your Existing Lighting

A major element that you could improve is the lighting of your home. Traditional incandescent light bulbs may be less expensive than energy-efficient bulbs, however, their watt consumption is much higher, making them an inefficient choice that could be driving up your energy bills.

Switching to low energy LED lights or CFL bulbs will serve as a better long-term choice. While they may cost more than traditional bulbs, they consume less electricity without compromising on the level of brightness, meaning you make the cash back relatively quickly.

4. Upcycling

A very popular trend amongst homeowners as well as designers, upcycling helps you create something entirely new from your existing home elements. This works especially great for those who want budget-friendly home improvements.

Although upcycling is used popularly to create decor for your home, your existing shelves, cabinets, chairs and rugs can also be upcycled for more functionality. 

Upcycling helps you create a different style for your home while also being cost-effective and environmentally safer. Through upcycling, take a step towards sustainability without compromising on aesthetics.

Contact JL Phillips For Green Home Improvements for The New Year

While home improvements can benefit you greatly, adding in sustainability can help create an eco-friendly home for you and your family.

JL Phillips provides quality green technology to enhance your home environment and enable you to do your part towards creating a green home. Our team can design, install and maintain the most suitable and bespoke heating system for every homeowner. 

Give our expert installers a call today to get started with your home improvements for the New Year.

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