3 Common Heat Pump Problems And The Right Way To Deal With Them

Just like other heating appliances, your heat pump is also likely to face issues. 

Perhaps, it might not turn on or no longer heat the room evenly. Or maybe, it keeps running constantly or doesn’t cool down once it’s turned off.

Either way, it’s important that you understand these heat pump problems and have a few tips up your sleeves or probably a heat pump troubleshooting guide to easily fix the issues. However, bear in mind to get in touch with a heat pump company for professional maintenance services in case the problem is beyond your control.

That said, at JL Phillips, we’ve put together the 3 common heat pump issues that you could face and the right ways to deal with them.

Let’s take a look!

Common Heat Pump Problem #1 – Blowing Out Cold Air

During winters, nothing can make you feel better than the blast of warm air coming from your heat pump, especially after you come home from the cold.

However, if your heating unit is blowing out cold air instead of warm, then there’s definitely something wrong with the heat pump. This is when you need to check whether the system was accidentally switched to generating cold air. 

While you’re at it, also ensure that the outdoor unit of your heat pump isn’t covered in ice.

If either of these isn’t the case, then it’s likely that your renewable heating system has a compressor problem, a faulty valve or a refrigerant issue. It’s also likely that you haven’t serviced your heat pump in a while and the unit requires some cleaning and maintenance work to improve its performance.

For professional heat pump maintenance services, contact the team at JL Phillips today!

Common Heat Pump Problem #2 – Constantly Icing Up

While heat pumps could ice up both during summer and winter, the action required to fix the issue majorly depends on when the problem takes place.

Heat Pump Troubleshooting for Winter

Sure, during winters it’s quite normal for your heating unit to endure ice or frost build-up, cold temperatures or snow build up. It’s also quite common for it to switch to defrost mode to get rid of the frost.

However, if your unit gets covered in snow or ice, then it’s one of those heat pump problems you need to fix right away!

This is primarily because snow and ice can stop the transfer of heat between the outside air and the heat pump’s refrigerant; this will result in your heat pump not functioning properly. Moreover, failing to resolve this issue will only damage the unit’s fan blades and fins and ultimately the entire system.

Here are a few common issues that you may encounter during winter:

1. Heat Pump Isn’t Defrosting Properly

Periodically, your heat pump does switch to the A/C mode which further heats up its outside coil to melt the ice or frost build-up. However, if the heating unit isn’t defrosting properly, ice or frost can build up more quickly and eventually damage the system.

While the issue with your heat pump’s defrost is usually due to faulty controls, sensors or relays, sometimes it’s also due to a poor reverse valve that keeps switching the heat pump from heating to air conditioning mode.

2. Heat Pump’s Outdoor Fan Isn’t Working

The outdoor fan of your heat pump is what circulates warm air and helps melt the ice or frost build-up.

Having said that, there are chances that the fan might be failing to function properly, partly damaged or completely dead, ultimately affecting the process of melting ice.

3. Heat Pump Is Low On Refrigerant

One of the common heat pump problems, running low on refrigerant can reduce the overall charge of the system and prevent it from generating enough heat to melt the ice and frost.

If you face any of these problems during winter, ensure that you aren’t using a sharp object to get rid of the ice. This will only cause more damage to your heating unit than the ice or frost. Perhaps, your best bet is to call a professional heat pump installer to help solve the problem.

Heat Pump Troubleshooting for Summer

During summer, ice build-up shouldn’t really be a problem.

However, if ice is accumulating over your indoor unit, then it might be due to clogged filters, dirty coils or refrigerant leaks. In any case, it’s best to seek professional assistance.

Common Heat Pump Problem #3 – Functioning Non-Stop

In certain cases, one of the heat pump problems you’re likely to face is your heating unit running non-stop to provide enough cold air.

This is one such issue that happens on those sporadic triple digit days when you’re trying to beat the heat by reducing the temperature of your home. During this process, your system is constantly fighting to meet your demands.

Here, you can try pushing the thermostat back to normal and then figure out whether you’re facing problems with the unit or it’s the temperature variance.

Another reason why your heat pump is functioning too frequently may be because it isn’t equipped to heat up the given space and is wearing out too quickly. This is why it’s important to get the size of your heating unit right.

If you’re not sure how to determine the right size of your heating system, you can get in touch with our professional installers today!

Contact JL Phillips to Fix Your Heat Pump Problems

Now that you know the common problems you could face with your heat pump, ensure that you’re getting it serviced on a regular basis.

For professional assistance in regards to any of the heat pump issues, get in touch with our team on 01636 642790. Alternatively, you could also get a free, quick quote here!

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