Top 7 Signs You Need to Install a New Biomass Boiler

When it comes to traditional boilers, they don’t come with an expiry date and you often have to find out the hard way – they can throw in the towel at any time without any warning at all!

However, there are certain tell-tale signs that indicate it’s high time you need to install a new biomass boiler in your home.

At JL Phillips, our specialist engineers have put together a list of 7 crucial signs to help you figure out when you need to purchase a new heating system.

Without further ado, let’s dive in!

1. You’ve Been Using the Boiler for Over 10 Years

As they say, all good things come to an end and it’s the same with your boiler too.

That said, if you’ve been using your renewable heating system for over 10 years now, it’s probably time that you start looking for a new one.

In recent years, technology has improved at a faster pace and your old heating system likely cannot match the safety features, smart control options and efficiency levels of the new models.

If you aren’t sure which new model will be the perfect choice for your home, feel free to get in touch with the professional installers at JL Phillips.

2. Poor Energy Efficiency

When it comes to being energy efficient, there are certain boilers that don’t make the cut!

For example, while an “A” grade heating system may provide you with approximately 90% energy efficiency, the “G” grade models offer an efficiency of 70% or less . To put things in perspective, if you’re using a “G” grade boiler, then for every pound you spend on the energy bills you’re burning 30p on lost energy.

However, when you install a new biomass boiler, you could not only be more energy efficient but also get to save a lot of money on your energy bills.

Additionally, you’ll also be eligible to receive financial incentives under the government-backed domestic RHI scheme. To find out more about the programme and how it applies to your biomass boiler installation, click here!

3. You’re Facing Frequent System Breakdowns

Is something wrong with your hot water or heating system? Are you constantly topping up your boiler’s pressure? Are you facing system breakdowns and calling for service and maintenance checks every other week?

If you’ve been doing this for the past few months, then it might be time to replace your boiler. Moreover, it only makes sense to spend your money on a replacement rather than using it up on quick, not to mention expensive fixes.

If you’re planning on installing a new biomass boiler, then click here to get your free quick quote today!

4. Increase in Energy Bills

While the best approach is to switch your energy supplier when it comes to combating increasing bills, there’s a fairly high chance that your heating system is the bad guy!

An inefficient boiler can cost you money that you cannot afford to spare. On the other hand, upgrading to a smarter model not only provides you with better control of your overall energy consumption but also helps reduce your carbon footprint and energy bills.

Click here to learn more about how you can save and earn with biomass boiler installation.

5. Your Radiator and/or Boiler is Noisy

You may have grown used to it, but the constant gurgling, kettling and banging noises made by your system are massive signs indicating that you need to install a new biomass boiler. It’s also a sign that something’s not right and, if not fixed immediately, it can cause potential breakdown or damage to your boiler.

If you’re facing problems with your green heating solutions, speak with our specialist heating engineers today!

6. Replacement Parts are No Longer Available

If the replacement parts for your boiler are no longer available, then it’s another sign that your system’s days are numbered.

We know it’s a tough call, but you can’t keep ignoring it forever!

At JL Phillips, our installers not only help you find the right replacement but also offer regular maintenance checks meaning your system operates at peak efficiency at all times. Additionally, regular boiler servicing will add to your system’s life expectancy.

7. Your Boiler Just Doesn’t Function

Are you constantly running out of hot water? Is your heating system taking ages to warm up your home?

If these issues sound familiar to you, then it’s time to either call your installer to inspect what’s wrong with your system or replace it entirely – after all, there’s no point in putting up with a boiler that just doesn’t get the job done!

Contact JL Phillips for Professional Biomass Boiler Installation

If you’ve finally made up your mind to install a new biomass boiler in your home, then give our expert installers a call today!

We’ll not only help you with the installation process but also offer advice on how to maintain the efficiency of your heating system, reduce the number of breakdowns and improve its lifespan.

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